You can find below links to useful and comprehensive literature -articles, books and whitepapers-, videos and tools to help you design your exponential tech solution towards solving a great grand challenge humanity is facing. PhiEconomy Global Movement objective is pursuing those solutions through you -we cannot solve these problems in a centralized way, we need every person, entrepreneur and community thinking on this and driving with these tool the right solutions-. Within the “Recommended Books” list, you’ll find majority of books used to craft PhiEconomy, this new framework to think about our current challenges and how we can overcome them.
- Open Source definition
- Open Source Organizations
- Decentralized Autonomous Organization -DAO- definition
- PHI proportion
- Fibonacci Sequence
- P2P -Peer to Peer- definition
- Creative Commons: “When we share, everyone wins”
- P2P Foundation
- U.N Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- CIRIEC (Public, Social & Cooperative Economy)
- Economy for the Common Good (Christian Felber)
- Singularity University
- World Economic Forum Initiatives
- IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
Recommended Books
- Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain, 2nd Edition | Andreas M. Antonopoulos | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2017)
- The Economic Singularity: Artificial Intelligence and the Death of Capitalism | Calum Chace | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2016)
- The Internet of Money | Andreas M. Antonopoulos | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2016)
- The Age of Sustainable Development | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Amazon, PaperBack Edition (2015)
- The Great Divide: Unequal Societies and What We Can Do About Them | Joseph E. Stiglitz | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2015)
- Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future | Martin Ford | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2015)
- The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism | Jeremy Rifkin | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2014)
- Swarmwise: The Tactical Manual to Changing the World | Rick Falkvinge | FREE, pdf version (2013)
- Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think | Peter H. Diamandis & Steven Kotler | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2012)
- Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History | Eduardo Galeano | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2012)
- Prosperity Without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet | Tim Jackson | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2009)
- Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Amazon, PaperBack Edition (2008)
- Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime | Aubrey de Grey & Michael Rae | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2008)
- The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations | Ori Brafman & Rod Beckstrom | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2006)
- The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology | Ray Kurzweil | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2005)
- The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Amazon, PaperBack Edition (2005)
- The Universe in a Single Atom | Dalai Lama | Amazon, Paperback Edition (2005)
- Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered | E.F. Schumacher | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1973)
- The New Industrial State | John Kenneth Galbraith | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1967)
- The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time | Karl Polanyi | Amazon, PaperBack Edition (1944) and free, pdf version
- Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy | Joseph Schumpeter | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1942)
- The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money | John Maynard Keynes | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1936) and free, pdf version
- The Natural Economic Order | Silvio Gesell | Free, pdf version (1916)
- Fields, Factories & Workshops | Petr Kropotkin | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1898) and free, pdf version
- Principles of Political Economy | John Stuart Mill | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1848) and free, pdf version
- On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation | David Ricardo | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1817) and free, html version
- A New View of Society | Robert Owen | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1813)
- An Essay on the Principle of Population | Thomas Robert Malthus | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1798) and free, html version
- Agrarian Justice | Thomas Paine | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1795)
- The Wealth of Nations | Adam Smith | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1776)
- Etica | Baruch Spinoza | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1677) and free, html version
- Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One’s Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences | Rene Descartes | Free pdf version (1637)
- Utopia | Thomas More | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1509) and free, pdf version
- Divina Proportione | Luca Pacioli -illustrations by Leonardo Da Vinci- | Amazon, Paperback Edition (1509)
- On the Nature of Things | Lucretius | free HTML version (56 b.c)
On-Going Initiatives -started via PhiEconomy Movement and/or we support as changemakers, leveraging our new thinking’s framework and exponential tech tools-:
- UPFC | An Unplastified World is Possible and Necessary
- Single Earth | Let’s Heal the Natural World Together
- Seeds | Regenerate our Economies, Regenerate our Environment
- Solar Coin | Incentivizing a solar powered planet
- Curecoin | A blockchain designed to better our future
- SweatCoin | It pays to walk. Healthier planet. Healthier, wealthier you
- Roela | Created as a reserve of value and backed by non-extracted gold
- Colmena | Transform your Waste into Opportunities
- Ethic Hub | Lending with Impact
- GBM Land | Restoring Life, Scaling Climate Action
- Ruuts | We Transform CO2 into LIFE -Large-scale land regeneration with Regenerative Agriculture-
- Arvöl | Save the planet planting trees & receive profits from harvests, carbon credits & land appreciation
- Plasticoin | The Value of Recycling (info in Spanish)
- Kleros | The Justice Protocol, a decentralized arbitration service for the disputes of the new economy
- Deius | Decentralized Justice, Online Conflict Resolution Through Blockchain
- Democracy Earth | Power in your hands. Tools for a borderless democracy. For everyone, anywhere
- NewStory | We Pioneer Solutions to End Global Homelessness
- Crane WASP | 3D House-Printing Solution for low-income budgets
- Hu-manity: Your Data is Becoming your Property
- LBRY | LBRY does to publishing, what Bitcoin did to money
- Basic Attention Token | Introducing a Blockchain-based Digital Advertising
- IQ.Wiki | Get Income by Building and Sharing Knowledge (World’s Largest Blockchain & Crypto Encyclopedia)
- Steem | Social Blockchain that grows Communities and makes immediate revenue streams possible for users by rewarding them for sharing content
- Universal Basic Income -> Duniter | Egalitarian Money creation through Universal Dividend
- ZeroPoverty | We want to eradicate poverty forever
- Universal Basic Income -> Proof of Humanity | Digital Identity + Universal Basic Income
- Universal Basic Income -> Good Dollar | Free Money, As a Public Good Unlocking Human Potential with Digital Universal Basic Income
- Universal Basic Income -> Worldcoin | Digital Identity + Universal Basic Income
- Clinicoin | When we engage in our health and wellness, everyone wins
- FairBnB | Sustainable solutions for Community powered Tourism
- FarmBot | Open-Source CNC Sustainable Farming. grow and own your Food
- AgroToken | Global Infrastructure for Agricultural Commodities Tokenization
- Internet of People | Building a new decentralized & secured Internet
- SingularityNET | World’s leading decentralized AI marketplace, running on blockchain. Our core mission is the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) for a beneficial technological Singularity
- Unplastify | An Ocean Adventure to explore the misuse of plastic (UPFC mother’s organization)
- VeganCoin | Vegan Global Community Coin to stop animal killing and help reduce Climate Crisis
- Kidner Project | Blockchain & decentralized algorithms for Organ’s donor matching
- LGBT Token |Utilizing blockchain technology to achieve equal rights and acceptance for all members of the LGBT+ community worldwide
- LUCUS Project | Cryptocurrency Exchange with Social Impact
- Research: “Bitcoin consumes less than half the energy of the Banking or Gold industries” | Galaxy Digital | Bitcoin Magazine
- “New app to connect farmers with buyers” | Priyanka Sahoo | Hindustan Times
- “Visa Approves New DeFi-Enabled Crypto Card in EU and UK” | Helen Partz | CoinTelegraph
- “China starts major trial of state-run digital currency” | Helen Davidson | The Guardian
- “Can a green cryptocurrency fix our toxic relationship with the environment?” | EuroNews | EuroNews (April, 2020)
- “French President Emmanuel Macron says the coronavirus pandemic will remake capitalism” | Dominic-Madori Davis | Business Insider (April, 2020)
- “Microsoft Files Patent For Crypto Mining System Using Body Activity Data” | Ana Alexandre | CoinTelegraph (March, 2020)
- “Pay Crypto to those removing CO2 from the atmosphere, German Party says” | Joeri Cant | CoinTelegraph (September, 2019)
- “Universal basic income in India is a tantalisingly close prospect” |Arvind Subramanian | Financial Times (February, 2019)
- “In Orwell’s ‘1984’ society knew it was being dominated. Not today” | Byung-Chul Han | El País (February, 2019)
- Welfare for those ‘unwilling to work?’ It’s not as crazy as you might think | Christine Emba | The Washington Post (February, 2019)
- Tech Is Splitting the U.S. Work Force in Two | Eduardo Porter | New York Times (February, 2019)
- We need to own our data as a human right—and be compensated for it | | The Economist (January, 2019)
- Blockchain can wrest the Internet from Corporations’ grasp | Chris Dixon | Partner @ Andreessen Horowitz | WIRED Magazine, html version (January 2019)
- Are We Approaching an Economic Singularity? Information Technology and the Future of Economic Growth | William D. Nordhaus | SSRN, pdf version (September, 2015)
- The Chicago Plan revisited | Jaromir Benes & Michael Kumhof | IMF (2012)
- Escaping the Global Banking Cartel | Andreas Antonopoulos | Internet of Money Tour (2018)
- Human Dignity, the Foundation for a New Economy | Joan Antoni Mele | Sustainable Brands (2017)
- Basic income: enriching humanity on an individual level | Halldóra Mogensen | TEDxReykjavik (2017)
- Blockchain, the future of money | Nicolas Cary | TEDxManchester (2017)
- Decentralizing Everything with Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin | Vitalik Buterin | TechCrunch (2017)
- How the blockchain is changing money and business | Don Tapscott | TED (2017)
- Introduction to Bitcoin | Andreas Antonopoulos | Singularity University (2017)
- Basic Income: An Idea Whose Time Has Come | James Mulvale | TEDxUManitoba (2016)
- How the blockchain will radically transform the economy | Bettina Warburg | TED (2016)
- We’ve stopped trusting institutions and started trusting strangers | Rachel Botsman | TED (2016)
- What if the common good was the goal of the economy? | Christian Felber | TEDxVienna (2015)
- Basic income and other ways to fix capitalism | Federico Pistono | TEDxHaarlem (2014)
- The Zero Marginal Cost Society | Jeremy Rifkin | Talks at Google (2014)
- Why we should give everyone a basic income | Rutger Bregman | TEDxMaastricht (2014)
- The Chicago Plan revisited | Michael Kumhof | London School of Economics (2013)
- The Starfish and the Spider | Rod Beckstrom | Talks at Google (2007)
Start Building your Regenerative CryptoEconomics Initiative
- Collectively design and build your own sustainable economy and equitable governance system | Commons Stack
- Launch your DAO | Aragon
- Get funding for your Regenerative Crypto-Initiative | Giveth
- Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System | Satoshi Nakamoto | free, pdf version
- DeKo: An Electricity-Backed Currency Proposal | Nick Gogerty & Joseph Zitoli | Solarcoin Foundation, free pdf version
Programming & Other Type of Courses
- Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases | Consensys Academy | Coursera, 100% Online
- Ethereum and Solidity: The Complete Developer’s Guide | Stephen Grider | Udemy, 100% Online
- Blockchain Technologies: Business Innovation & Application | MIT Sloan, 100% Online
- Artificial Intelligence: Implications for business strategy | MIT Sloan & CSAIL (Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory), 100% Online