
Learn & Build

Learn on Regenerative CryptoEconomics and build a new organization (community and purpose-based) towards solving UN SDGs and/or the Great Grand Challenges we faced as Humanity.

Below, you can find a roadmap to gather this knowledge and tools available for you -we and our allies have put together- so you can start designing and implementing your own regenerative cryptoeconomic initiative.

  1. Learn what is a DAO: Decentralized Autonomous Organization
  2. Learn what is a Dapp: Decentralized Autonomous Application
  3. Watch and learn more about PhiEconomy New Regenerative CryptoEconomics Framework on this short TED Talk (16 mins duration, voiced over in Spanish but you can activate AI subtitles): Blockchain: towards a meaningful and purpose-based Economy
  4. Download and read PhiEconomy paper, detailing response processes and proposals for our current crises: health, ecological and social; released at the BIEN Congress 2022 in Australia.

Get inspired & learn via exploring these use cases -from people like you who started these type of regenerative initiatives around the World-:

Additional use cases for free and open knowledge sharing & content creation -SDGs #8, #4, #1 & #9-:

Download the PhiEconomy Regenerative CryptoEconomics CANVAS and start identifying & designing your regenerative cryptoeconomics solution towards our great grand challenges and contributing for achieving U.N Sustainable Development Goals.

Now, choose the technology and technology partner -open source- for your Blockchain‘s services (if you want to rely on an existing Blockchain for your payment confirmation processes and/or get support from an existing crypto-community where to based your new regenerative token)